The Adult Class

We are approaching the fourth session of the Adult Art Class. Each session is six weeks long, and we meet every Wednesday evening from 7:30 to 9:30 PM. We do a theme night once in each 6 weeks fearuring an artist from a certain country, and include a dinner serving Food & Wine of the region. We featured France, and Monet last session, serving steak entrecote, and all the trimmings. We will post the next dinner night agter the next session begins!

The adult classes have become a great evening. We rotate with bringing wine and cheese, and have a relaxing evening of art, and socializing. If you have a repressed artist somewhere inside, and you enjoy spending time with other like minded art enthusiasts, come join us.


When - Every Wednesday 7:30 - 9:30

Where - Kimberly Hardin Art Studio - 113 Venetian (Rio Del Mar Beach)

Cost - $175.00 Per 6 Week Session - (+20.00 for dinner)

Next Session Starts May25th, 2011